Post 5 >> Time travel to the past or future

Dear all, today you'll write about one of the free themed topic you chose:

Please include:
- Would you prefer going to the past or the future? why?

- What time in the past or future ?

- Either past or future Would you like to stay there? Why / Why not?

- Any other information you might want to mention.

Word-count: 230
+ 3 comments in your classmates' posts

I don't know, I think that if I had to choose between going to the past or the future I'd prefer the past. It just scares me a little bit thinking about the future in terms of our planet and I'd be totally devastated if I see there is no nature. Every time people talk about the future they tend to focus in technology and seems something interesting but in my case I'm not too keen on it.
If I  could go back to the past I'd like to warn somehow about events that have affected people, like in earthquakes, evacuations, etc. 
If I had a travel machine I'd love to travel and see dinosaurs, of course the vegetarian ones otherwise I'd die immediately. So I'd be there for a couple of hours just contemplating these wonderful animals and the landscapes.


  1. Taking the state of nature into account when thinking about the future is very sensible and few people do it. Being aware of how nature intervenes today, it is very likely that later it will only be a historical fact, as was the crucifixion today.


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